Video Zone – International Video Art Biennial

During the Biennial’s week around 25 different programs of experimental films, video and digital art, video clips and AV works are screened in the Auditorium of the Center for Contemporary Art at the Rachel & Israel Pollak Gallery in Tel Aviv and at Tel Aviv Cinematheque.
Two exhibitions of video installation take place in the gallery spaces at the CCA and other video exhibitions are taking place at the Herzliya Museum of Contemporary Art and at The Israeli Digital Art Lab Center in Holon.
VideoZone programs are a combination of selections done by guest curators, from different countries and regions in the world to assure the best presentation of the video creation in these regions as well as subjects that are relevant to international video art. Besides the screenings and the exhibitions, meetings, lectures, master classes and panels are conducted with some of the artists and curators attending.
Some 150 artists from all over the world participate in the Biennial, and about 15 artists, curators and presenters are invited each time to come and share their experience with the Israeli audience.
Usually VideoZone biennial is accompanied by a comprehensive catalogue and a website documenting all the events and works, as well as featured excerpts of the presentations by the guest curators dealing with all the relevant issues pertaining to the peripheral, cross-cultural, and cross-border dimensions of the video disciplines.